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WiTalk9 for Instant Comm at a Dubai Wedding

2024-12-27 11:25

"WiTalk9 helped tremendously! It’s instant, so we can communicate as things happen on the spot," says Mohammad Rezaie, a veteran videographer who's in his 7th year in the wedding videography/photography business. Along with 4 photographers, Mohammad has been using WiTalk9 to coordinate their intercom efforts at many Dubai weddings for the last 3 months, with the one he talks about taking place just 3 days before Christmas 2024. Instant communication and noise cancellation are the 2 aspects he appreciates most about the wireless intercom headset system. 

Witalk9 wireless intercom

Mohammad Rezaie and the team of Photos by Zara, a wedding photography studio co-founded by Mohammad and his wife, Zara (in the middle)



The Challenge — Communication Needs to be Instant 


For events as personal and private as weddings, capturing precious moments requires a level of effective communication no less demanding than that of live streams — there are no repeatable moments. Or according to Mohammad, "...weddings are super fast-paced and you need to be able to communicate with your teammates instantly to be on top of things." 


To respond effectively, Mohammad used to try phones and walkie-talkies, but they proved less than ideal for weddings. "We used a walkie-talkie system once, but having to take it out and hold it near your mouth to talk was cumbersome. It was too much of a hassle, especially when you're holding a gimbal and camera. The phone is not instant. Sometimes you don't even realize you're being called because the weddings are too loud and hectic," says the seasoned videographer. 

Witalk9 wireless intercom

(Zara was the main videographer for the wedding)



The WiTalk9 Experience — Instant and Clear Communication


DECT-based, WiTalk9 operates with low latency (≤ 83 ms), which is even faster than the 2.4 GHz devices (≤ 140 ms) we use daily. So Mohammad and his team could experience "instant" communication as the wedding unfolded. 


"During the bride and groom's entrance, there was a live music band playing around the couple. There were 4 of us, so we had to maneuver very meticulously to captre everything to make sure not to be in one another's shot. I used WiTalk9 to instruct each team member where to go and what to shoot. WiTalk 9 helped tremendously! It’s instant." 


Also contributing to instant communication is another benefit DECT offers — WiTalk9 operates on a dedicated frequency band that has less traffic, making it less prone to interference by 4G, 5G, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth, all of which are common 2.4 GHz frequencies we can find at a wedding. With the enhanced anti-interference performance, communication within the team can be clear and uninterrupted, allowing teammates to take cues and act quickly. 


"I think the noise cancellation is probably the best I’ve ever used. Weddings are super loud, and the fact that your voice still transfers very clearly to the other headsets is a miracle!" says Mohammad when talking about his favorite feature of WiTalk9. 


When designing WiTalk9, the engineering team considered as many common yet challenging scenarios as possible. So the wireless intercom system is equipped with ClearTalk™, a trademarked technology by Saramonic that cancels noise 360° and transmits human voice clearly.



The Availability of WiTalk9 and WiTalk9 SE


As of December 2024, the WiTalk9 and WiTalk9 SE are available in 36 countries and regions worldwide, with their availability continuing to expand.

Any content creation teams, filmmakers, and rental companies are encouraged to head to to find their local distributor for a free demo and hands-on experience. 


Note: For religious, cultural, and privacy reasons, photos from the wedding ceremony are not suitable for public display. 

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